Environmental Compliance

The environmental compliance audit identifies the risks of non conformity of a facility or a company with respect to regulations and best management practices. Environmental compliance is both a key component to a firm's due diligence as well as a requirement of an environmental management system EMS. APEXIOS carries out the non-intrusive environmental compliance work according to the principles of CSA Standard Z773.  All environmental compliance work is performed or managed by professionals recognized as PEA (Provisional Environmental Auditor) by the Auditing Association of Canada (AAC).
Environmental Compliance Audit ECA
ECA Action Plan
Monthly Mini-ECA
Supplier ECA
APEXIOS audits current procedures and operations to verify conformity to environmental regulations (municipal, provincial and federal) and best management practices. Based on the audit results, we develop recommendations to eliminate or minimize non-compliance issues and submit a comprehensive Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA) report. The ECA is a requirement under ISO 14001:2004 and most private environmental management systems. The ECA minimizes the possibility that current procedures and operations present a legal and environmental threat to the financial health of a business.
The ECA report provides the basis for the ECA Action Plan. APEXIOS develops and implements realistic action plans that are consistent with the ECA recommendations as well as the client's corporate culture, budget allowances and risk tolerance.
APEXIOS develops site-specific checklists or questionnaires so that site employees or management can carry out mini-ECA's on a monthly or quarterly basis and obtain findings that are consistent and meaningful. Alternatively, APEXIOS conducts these mini-ECA's on behalf of the client, produces a summary report, and gives briefings to management on the results.
APEXIOS performs Supplier ECA on the operations of any firm in the client's supply chain, such as raw material producers, distributors, transporters, and waste recycling, treatment, storage and disposal facilities. The Supplier ECA is less detailed than the typical ECA and is designed around the client's corporate culture, budget allowances and risk tolerance. The Supplier ECA is an important element in environmental management systems by assuring the client that no aspect of its suppliers' operations presents a legal and environmental risk to the client's own financial health.